Total Population: 33,413,660; Muslim Population: 31,878,000; Percentage of Muslim population: 97.1%; Source of these Statistics. Statistics of the Muslims' population arrownd the world. Almost 8,000 Muslims were killed by Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica in 1995 - Europe's worst atrocity since Muslims as a Share Of World Population, 1990-2030 5.8 B 26.4% Of "Orld l}opulation is Muslim 10 Muslims 1.1B 1990 2010 23.4% 2020 2000 2030 are calculated frcwn unrounded numbers Cross hatc"ing denotes 0jected figures.

Countries with the Largest Muslim Populations. Population statistics for Islam would seem to be on firm ground, as anyone born to a Muslim father is a Muslim, and apostasy is punishable by death.

Countries in the world by population (2022) This list includes both countries and dependent territories.Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates.

5.9 percent of england is muslim 2018 figures show that London was home to nearly 1.26 million Muslims, making up 14.2 per cent of the capital's population. Briticana took those statistics from the U.N. In Islam a clear understanding of human rela TOP 50 COUNTRIES WITH THE LARGEST MUSLIM POPULATION IN THE WORLDIslam is a belief and comprehensive way of life. Latin America/Caribbean: 840,000 2. Answer (1 of 3): Indonesia contains the largest Muslim population of all countries in the world.

Their proportion to total population fell to 79.8 per cent in 2011, against 80.5 per cent in 2001 and 82.4 per cent in 1991. The French, for example, think Muslims make up 31 percent of the French population, when only 7.5 percent of that country is Muslim.

Of the foreign majority, the largest national groups, in order of population size, are Indonesians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Iranians. The same report predicts that the Hindu population in India would be around 76.7 per cent by 2050.

World Muslim Population by Year Total Muslims Worldwide in Billions.

Please note - this table may not be suitable for all analytical purposes as it has been produced in response to your ad hoc request and is based only on APS data. 65,288,422. By 2050, Hindus will be third, making up 14.9 per cent of the worlds total population, followed by people who do not affiliate with any religion, accounting for 13.2 per cent, the report said. Muslim population in India 2022. Answer (1 of 5): A2A We dont have an exact count, what is spread in the media is rather exaggerated.

As of 2016, they contributed 8% of the world's total. The study said Muslims have the highest fertility rate, with an average of 3.1 children per woman compared with Christians at 2.7 children per woman. Islam is also the worlds fastest-growing major religion. About three-quarters of the world's Muslims (74.1%) live in the 49 countries in which Muslims make up a majority of the population. According to the 2011 census, India has 170 million Muslims accounting for the 14.23 per cent of the population. Population of World: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age.

The total population of this region increased from 16 million in 1870, to 49 million in 1950, to 65 million by 2020. Annual Table of World Religions, 1900-2025 by David B. Barrett and Todd M. Johnson, Jan. 1, 2002 Printer page Email article

The related Muslim percentage increased from 1% in

Here are how many Muslims there are in the World. Rajasthan population in 2022 is estimated to be 83 million (8.3 Crores), By end of year 2020 the projected population is 81,032,689 as per Unique Identification Aaadhar India, updated 31 Dec 2020. Around 250,000 people died in the conflict between Bosnian Muslims, Croats and Serbs. The 1971 census showed the Independent Muslim countries population was around 784.5 Million and the Muslim Minorities countries had around 308 Million Muslim.

As per 2011 Census Tamil nadu population religion wise, Hinduism is the largest religion with 63 million - 87.5%, followed by Muslim with 5.8%, Christianity with 6%.

Islam is the majority religion in several subregions: Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa, the Sahel, and the Middle East. World Birth/Death Rates (2020 est.) An estimated 1.8 billion or more than 24% of the world population identify themselves as Muslims.

Discover which are the largest Muslim populations on the planet.

Islam is currently the fastest-growing religion on the planet and also the worlds second-largest religion after Christianity. Muslim (official) 76%, Christian 9%, other (primarily Hindu and Buddhist, less than 5% of the population consists of Parsi, Baha'i, Druze, Sikh, Ahmadi, Ismaili, Dawoodi Bohra Muslim, and Jewish) 15% (2005 est.) "Submission [to God]") is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion, centred primarily around the Quran, a religious text that is considered by Muslims to be the direct word of God (or Allah) as it was revealed to Muhammad, the main and final Islamic prophet.


From 23.2% in 2010 it will rise to 29.7%.

Click on the name of the country or dependency for current estimates (live population clock), historical data, and projected figures. The overwhelming majority (87-90%) of Muslims are Sunnis; about 10-13% are Shia Muslims. In fact, there are about 2.2 billion Christians in the world.

As for the U.N., I've used Briticana Encyclopidia for 1994 and for 1995 to get the growth rates.

Birth Rate: Death Rate: 18 births/1,000 population: 8 deaths/1,000 population *5th Largest Muslim Population in World; **22nd Largest Muslim Population in World.

The map shows the countries and regions of the world with colors indicating the number of the Muslim population in the countries and administrative regions. Total population: 3.8 million Muslim population: 1.5 million (40%) Background: Bosnia-Hercegovina is still recovering from the bloody inter-ethnic war of 1992-95. 02:44 Admin No comments.

Islam is the world's second-largest religion Earth is home to more than 1.9 billion Muslims. 5,000,000.

India's total population stood at 1.21 billion in 2011. Total: Both Sexes: Muslim: Census - de jure - complete tabulation: Final figure, complete: 2013: 1,587,608 : Albania: 2011: Total: Both Sexes: Orthodox: language, foreign-born and foreign population. While increasing in absolute terms, the Christian population in percentage terms will not change from 2010 to 2050. The related Muslim population changed from 15% in 1870, to 8% in 1950, to 14% by 2020. Islam is not like Christianity (where it Source: Worldometer ( From 1950 to current year: elaboration of data by United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Annual growth rate reached its peak in the late 1960s, when it was at around 2%.

As of 2015, 1.8 billion or about 24.1% of the world population are Muslims. 50,527,000. Total: Both Sexes: Muslim: Census - de jure - complete tabulation: Final figure, complete: 2013: 1,587,608 : Albania: 2011: Total: Both Sexes: Orthodox: language, foreign-born and foreign population. Most people in the world follow one of the religions listed in the table below.

This large number While Muslims are found on all five inhabited continents, more than 60% of the global Muslim population is in Asia and about 20% in the Middle East and North Africa.

One-Third of state constitute of desert area, popularly known as Thar desert which accounts for 102,000 sq km in Rajasthan in the western side. 2,023,914. data show that the percentage of World Muslim population with respect to the total World population has increased steadily from 17% in 1950 to 26% by 2020. Amisha Patel (1) Bollywood Actresses (1) General Information (2) Top 10 Largest Muslim Population Countries in the World.

In fact, if in 2010 it was 31.4% of the total population, in 2050 it will remain 31.4%. The countries with the five highest Muslim populations are all in South and Southeast Asia or in sub-Saharan Africa, rather than the Middle East.

According to Pew Research Center Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Muslims as a Share Of World Population, 1990-2030 5.8 B 26.4% Of "Orld l}opulation is Muslim 10 Muslims 1.1B 1990 2010 23.4% 2020 2000 2030 are calculated frcwn unrounded numbers Cross hatc"ing denotes 0jected figures.

Statistics of the Muslims' population around the world Islam is the fastest growing religion and the second largest religion in the world.

Be Our Fan. The Muslim population of the world is estimated at around 1.8 billion followers, making it the largest religion in the world after Christianity. Source: Annual Population Survey April 2017 to March 2018, weighted Person Weight APS 2017.

Population count does not mean that all are adherent and can be counted as Muslims. Islam is growing faster than any other Follow Us!

Islam has been the traditional adversary of Europe as a whole, and hence why people view its spread to Europe as a problem. Update to date information about population of World in 2022. Projected Percentage of 2030 Population that is Muslim*. 1,028,513.

This means even 30 years later, the Muslim population in India is not expected to come close to 30 per cent.

Brigitte Gabriel claims the 15 to 25 percent of the world's Muslims are plotting attacks in the West. 1.05.

99.8%. 1. However, we feel that it has some incorrect numbers for some countries such as Iran. Look into the battle of lepanto, the siege of Vienna and the reconquista. Population, total - Indonesia from The World Bank: Data.

In contrast to the 2.2 billion Christians around the world, there are also 1.6 billion people who identify as Muslim. Muslims are expected to grow twice as fast as the overall global population. The 1971 census showed the Independent Muslim countries population was around 784.5 Million and the Muslim Minorities countries had around 308 Million Muslim. World Population Prospects: 2019 Revision. The Islamic population is mainly split between 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims and 240-340 million Shia Muslims, with the remainder scattered among a few smaller denominations. Total World Info. Ipsos MORI Americans also projected that Muslims would make up nearly a quarter of Shia population: 19 -22 million.

The total fertility rate (TFR) in the Middle East and North Africa has experienced a declining trend in recent years.

The number of the total population has For the former Yugoslav republics, (per Pew Forum study

WomenA Kazakh wedding ceremony in a mosqueA group of marabouts West African religious leaders and teachers of the Quran .Muslim girls at Istiqlal Mosque in JakartaA tribal delegation in ChadMinangkabau people ( Padang, Western Sumatra) reciting Al-Qur'anMuslim girls walking for school in Bangladesh By 2021 approx 20 crores of people are Muslims In India.

Hindu nationalists often fan anxiety about Muslim population growth; the proportion of Muslims in India grew about 0.8 percent between 2001 and 2011, to 14.2 percent. Muslim population in India 2022. It's followers have invaded Europe with conquest in mind, great European alliances have been forged to combat invasions from Muslims in the past. This means that about a third of the world is Christian and a quarter is Muslim, which are incredibly staggering numbers considering the estimated world population of 6.9 billion people. Their number is compared to the total number of Muslims which is 1,482,596,925 It is estimated that the population of Muslims around the world is around 1.7 billion.


Islam is the second largest religion in the world, beaten only by Christianity which represents 33% of the worlds population with a little over 2 billion adherents. Between 1951 and 2011, Muslims grew by 4.4 percentage points to 14.2% of the population, while Hindus declined by 4.3 points to 79.8%.

Top 10 Largest Muslim Population Countries in the World: N0.1 Indonesia 213.Million. READ MORE:NYC public schools to close for two Muslim holidays. The corresponding individual data for each country in this region is discussed below and summarized in Table 2.

Islam is the official religion in 26 countries in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East. Christianity has the largest following with approximately 31% of the global population. Most Muslims are either of two denominations: Sunni (8790%, roughly 1.7 billion people) or Shia (1013%, roughly 180230 million people).

World Muslim Population by Year Total Muslims Worldwide in Billions. According to a estimation in 2020, Islam has 1.9 billion adherents, making up about 24.7% of the world population. It fell to 24.6% from 32.8% in 1991, a decline parallel to that of Hindus, who went from 22.7% in 1991 to 16.7% in 2011.

Mapping the Global Muslim Population There are an estimated 1.57 billion Muslims nearly a quarter of the worlds total population.

In 2010, more than quarter of the worlds total population was under the age of 15.

Percentage of 2010 Population that is Muslim.

All other religions like Jains and Buddhists represent less than 1%. China and India account for more than half of Asia's total population. Annual Table of World Religions, 1900-2025 by David B. Barrett and Todd M. Johnson, Jan. 1, 2002 Printer page Email article 12,551,000. Roughly 16.4% of the global population is unaffiliated with a religion.

Islam is also the world's fastest-growing religion. The number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70%, As of 2020, an estimated 429 million people, about 6% of the worlds total population, were adherents of folk or traditional religions. Muslims make up the second-largest religious group, accounting for 23.2% of the worlds population. In mid 2010 the Pew forum estimated that there were 1.57 billion Muslims in the world. Missing.

In 2020 Economy of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation which consists of 57 member states had combined GDP US$22 trillion. Muslim Population By CountryIndonesia - 227,226,404. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with over 227 million people identifying as Muslim.Pakistan - 204,194,370. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan designates Islam as the state religion of this country, which is also referred to as the "global center of political Islam."India - 189,000,000. More items #1- Indonesia (222 million Muslims) Indonesia is one of the most populated country in the world and more than 87% of its inhabitants are Muslims.