The reaction utilizes the property of copper to bind with high affinity to protein copper deposits in tissue sections. Create. Reticulin stains use silver and rely on the argyrophilic properties of the fibers. Blood component separation- principles , preparation & uses Argyrophilic cells can adsorb silver but cannot reduce it. 4. Additionally, fibrosis can be noted on bone marrow specimens that have significant tumor metastasis. Principle of Blood grouping, false positive and false negative reaction. Differentiate using 0.2% acetic acid. tion between poor survival and grade of BM reticulin fibrosis. Further examinations may be necessary to reach a definitive diagnosis. Reticulin Stain.

2% oxalic acid 3. Used for the demonstration of pathologic changes in elastic fibers including atrophy of the elastic tissue, arteriosclerotic Oxidation: Add 0.5% of the Periodic acid solution for oxidation for 5 minutes. It is mainly used in histopathology of the liver, but

A reticulin stain occasionally helps to highlight the growth pattern of neoplasms.

Reticulin fibers form a They are involved in maintaining the structural integrity in a variety of organs. Reticulum stains can highlight the growth patterns of neoplasm or new growths (Fig. Acidic dye stains the basic components of the cell and basic dye stain the acidic PRINCIPLE: The tissue is oxidized, then sensitized with the iron alum, which is replaced with silver. A liver biopsy stained using the reticulin demonstrating the normal hepatic plate thickness and mild steatosis.

On a number of occasions we have observed that reticulum fibers stain better after the ammoniacal silver has aged in the refrigerator for a few days. Deparaffinize and hydrate water.

Tiwari Final1.Ppt Special Stain December - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Place slides in Alkaline alcohol for exactly 1 hour 5. In the A wide variety of benign and malignant disorders are associated with an increase of reticulin fibers in the bone marrow (BM). 0.2% gold chloride 5.

Reticulin Copper Other: elastic, PAS, bile . A few dips should be sufficient. Haemotoxylin stains certain parts of the cell like the nucleus blue; Eosin stains other parts of the cell such as the cytoplasm red or pink. Solution B: Dissolve 1.16g Iron (III)chroride ( FeCL3 x 6H2O) in 100ml AD, then add 1ml hydrochloric acid 25%. staining solutions help the authorized and qualified investigator to better define the form and structure in such cases. Reticulin stain. Principle of Papanicolaou stain. Rinse AD (Aqua dest.) - Dissolve 1g Alcian blue in 100ml AD (heat to 60 degrees Celsius); - After cooling, add 1ml of glacial acetic acid 100% and filter. Wash in running tap water for 10 minutes 6. pocedure : dewax the section and bring to water level dip the slide in copplin jar containing per iodic acid for 10 min wash well in tap water for 15-20 min dip the slide in

METHOD: Fixation: Formalin 10%, Phosphate Buffered (between these 2 steps) is prolonged, the staining of the reticulin will be

This a specific type of stain, in which primary antibodies are used that specifically label a protein, and then a fluoresently labelled secondary antibody is used to bind to the primary antibody, to show up where the first (primary) antibody has bound. 2% Na thiosulphate 6. Introduction: Silver stain of reticular fibres demonstrates the fine structure of the cardiac collagen network. PowerPoint Presentation: PURPOSE : To demonstrate fat or lipids in fresh tissue sections. Reticulin stain 7.

Alcian Blue and

Coombs test/ Du test 4. Specimen Requirements. Demonstrates the reticular fibers (in cirrhosis the fibers are disrupted). Transfer directly to fresh Acetic Acid/Alcohol Solution (Step #1b) for 2 minutes. Reticular fibers characteristics can also aid in the diagnosis of certain Type III collagen or reticular connective tissue provides architectural framework for lymphatic tissue and organs such as the liver and spleen. This procedure is particularly useful when studying the heart, blood vessels and various vascular diseases.

There are a variety of Romanowsky-type stains with mixtures of methylene blue, azure, and By highlighting these fibers, the stain Potassium permanganate oxidizes the carbohydrate component of the reticulin fibres to generate aldehyde group. It has a branched and mesh-like pattern, often

Special B. Alcian blue / PAS. Rinsing: In distilled water. Tissue sections should be taken through an iodine-sodium thiosulphate sequence) Oxidize with 0.5% KMnO4 for 2 minutes. Reticulin staining demonstrates well-defined fibers surrounding aggregates of tumor cells (Figure 12.23 ).

Reticulin fibers are agyrophilic, meaning that these tissue elements will stain black with a silver solution Treat with ammoniacal silver for 30 seconds. Rinse well with distilled water. Reticulin stain Use. Stain in Alcian blue for 20 minutes 3. Reticulin (silver method for) Ziehl-Neelsen . Reticulin fibers cannot be visualized in a hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) stained slide. Rinse Immerse rack with sections directly into 95 % alcohol. One (1) unbaked, unstained slide for H&E staining (required) and two to three (2-3) positively charged unstained slides (all cut at 4-5 microns) for each test/antibody Reticulin is a type III collagen found in the basement membrane of many organs and provides structural integrity. Principle of Papanicolaou stain. Reticulin stain uses silver impregnation to detect reticulin fibers, which are made of type 3 collagen. Reticulin fibrils are extremely thin, with a diameter of between 0.5 and 2 um. Silver stain techniques for reticular fibers Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Reticular tissue is a special type of connective tissue that predominates in various locations that have a high cellular content.

4 Decolourise with CONTENTS Acidified Potassium Permanganate 100 mL 2% Ferric Ammonium Sulphate 100 mL 3% Sodium Hydroxide 100 mL Silver Nitrate 10% 10 mL Oxalic Acid 5% 100 mL Also required but not supplied: Cat No. Description. Principle. The silver is reduced with formalin to its visible metallic state. CONNECTIVE TISSUE STAINS SUBSTANCE STAINS COMPONENT STAINS POSSIBLE USES COLLAGEN MASSON TRICHROME COLLAGEN BLUE /GREEN MUSCLE RED RETICULIN BLUE GREEN FIBRIN - RED Trichrome stains three colours, for selective demonstration of muscle, collagen fibers, fibrin and erythrocytes. Principle: The tissue is oxidized, then sensitized with the iron alum, which is replaced with silver. Wash in tap water. CONNECTIVE TISSUE STAINS SUBSTANCE STAINS COMPONENT STAINS POSSIBLE USES COLLAGEN MASSON TRICHROME COLLAGEN BLUE /GREEN MUSCLE RED RETICULIN Mucin stains Elastic Fibers: Black to Blue/Black. In pathology, the reticulin stain is a RETICULIN KIT V Catalogue number 661030 C INTENDED USE Clin-Techs Gordon & Sweets kit is used for staining Reticulin Fibres. Our rapid modified reticulin staining method for frozen sections may be useful as a diagnostic tool for pituitary adenomas and can complement routine hematoxylin and eosin staining.

AFB staining (TB & Leprosy) in smear/ tissue section 9. Independent evaluation by two pathologists showed discrepancies in diagnosis in four out of 36 cases with modified reticulin stain. Wash the precipitate 2% Iron alum 4. 10 Pap stain 11. Search. Figure 1 shows representative hematoxylin and eosin and reticulin stains for different fibrosis grades in which all the three pathologists agreed. Reticulin staining employs the use of silver impregnation of a section to highlight reticulin fibers (type III collagen). Alkalinize slides in Borax (Sodium Borate) 5%, Saturated Alcoholic ( Part 1019) for 30 minutes. This chapter discusses all these connective tissue fibres along with the different stains to elucidate them, and the basic principles of these stains, preparation of the staining solutions, steps of the stain and final results have been described in detail. PTAH: variant of trichrome stain; demonstrates intracytoplasmic filaments in The fibers appear black against a gray to light pink background. Add 2.5 mL of 10% potassium hydroxide. A method for demonstrating collagen and reticulin fibres and the network of brain capillaries has been worked out on the basis of a new silver staining principle. Immunohistochemical techniques. Zones 13 are labelled.

Place slides in SAB Staining Solution (Step #1a) for 2 hours. Wash well in tap water for 1 minute; rinse in distilled water. Reticulin/No Counterstain Stain Kit is used to identify a primitive form of connective tissue, called reticulin, in tissue sections on the Artisan Link and Artisan Link Pro Staining Systems. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) After a few days the solution 1 The pattern of the reticulin network can easily be evaluated using light microscopy, and different fiber grading scoring models were used in the past without uniformity. 0.5% KMnO4 2. Thecomas are typically positive for SF1, vimentin, What Does PAS Stain? What is the principle of the reticulin stain? 2 Process Role Principle Iron hematoxylin Nuclear stain Works well in acidic solutions Red dye: Acid fuchsin (Biebrich scarlet) chromotrope 2R Stains cytoplasm, muscle Intermediate molecular weight, stain both collagen

Principle of the Massons Trichrome Staining. Reticulin. Aldehydration: Place the stain in Schiff reagent for 15 minutes, which turns light pink. Before IHC, reticulin was used to differentiate sarcomas from carcinomas: Staining Procedure 1. This stain is useful in the differential diagnosis of certain types of tumors. Create flashcards for FREE and quiz yourself with an interactive flipper. Counterstain with Solution J: Nuclear Fast Red Stain, The Specialist Techniques Scheme assesses special stains through the distribution of known target material, for 2 designated specialist stained sections on a rotational basis from the list below.


This is the most frequently used combination for general staining of skin samples and is especially useful in the diagnosis and classification of cancer. Procedure for Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) Staining. The silver initially binds to the tissue and formalin reacts

Reticulin stain reveals a dense fibrillar network that surrounds individual tumor cells. Place in Solution I: Sodium Thiosulfate 5%, Aqueous for 1 minute. Dewax and hydrate the preparation until it reaches the distilled water. Van Gieson stain 8. Reticulin. Haematoxylin and eosin (or H&E- see our H&E 101 articles here and here) is the most commonly used stain in histology labs, representing the bread and butter stain for most pathologists who diagnose disease, and for researchers who work with many tissue types.It highlights the detail in tissues and cells, using a haematoxylin dye to stain Papanicolaou stain includes both acidic and basic dyes. Preparation of smear from fluid. Figure 2op lefthaematoxylin van Gieson (HvG) stain showing mild zone 3 steatosis without fibrosis, in which collagen fibres (pinkred, T Routine tissue staining.

The polychromatic PAP stain involves five dyes in three solutions. Reticulin stain Gomoris method for reticulin fibres. CONTROL: Normal liver. The reticulin stain is performed on bone biopsy sections for detecting the presence, assessing the severity and identifying specific disease-related reticulin deposition 2 Oxidise in acidified potassium permanganate for 3 minutes 3 Rinse in distilled water. This staining procedure is easy to perform and can readily be added routinely when examining BM biopsies in CLL, because the findings do have prognostic implications. Martius scarlet blue trichrome: method for staining of elastica, connective tissue in general, fibrin; stains for fresh (orange-yellow), mature (red) or old (blue) fibrin. The Reticulin-Nuclear Fast Red Stain Kit is optimized for use on the Artisan Staining System. By use of the three stains, Massons Trichrome staining technique is used for the detection of collagen fibers in tissues such as the Nuclei: Blue/Black. HT Special Stains: Elastin, Muscle, Reticulin, Basement Membrane. Connective tissue is one of the major types of tissue that connects the different parts of tissue and also supports the body It may be applied to sections Amyloid (method for) Grocott. Place on the section 5 drops of Reagent A and 5 drops of Reagent B, leave to act 5 minutes. Rhodanine stain is used in histology to identify copper deposits. Oil red O stain demonstrates intracytoplasmic lipid. Wash with tap water until the water is clear. PRINCIPLE : Staining with oil-soluble dyes is based on the greater solubility of the dye in the lipid substances than in the usual hydroalcoholic dye solvents . Staining solution: Mix solutions A and B (1:1). Our modified reticulin stain is more rapid than the established method and shows similar levels of accuracy.

Figure 1 Reticulin stain showing normal liver parenchyma with a portal tract in the top left of the image (P) and a central vein in the bottom right (V).

An BioMarq Massons Trichrome Stain Kit is used for in vitro diagnostic use. 2). Place 10 mL of 10% silver nitrate in a flask. Adsorb is a Ammonical Silver Soln The basic principles of these stains, preparation of the staining solutions, steps of the stain and final results have been described in detail. STAINING is the process of applying dyes on the sections to see and study the architectural pattern of the tissue and physical characteristics of the cell. Rinse well with tap water. Deparaffinize and hydrate in DI H2O 2. Acidic dye stains the basic components of the cell and basic dye stain the acidic components of the cell.

Reticulin Stain Reticulin stain uses silver impregnation to detect reticulin fibers, which are made of type 3 collagen. Study Connective Tissue Stains (ASCP HT / HTL) flashcards.

Sensitise with iron alum solution for 15 minutes. Rinse in several changes of DI H2O xazx Wash well in tap water; rinse in distilled water. While one or the other Principle of procedure Reticulin does not stain with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Wash well in tap water; rinse in distilled water. 3. Rinse with distilled water. Giemsa Stain. Immerse sections in Gomori trichrome stain for 10 minutes. In the liver, such fibers are present as part of the extracellular matrix in the space of Disse. The Reticulin-Nuclear Fast Red Stain Kit is a modification of the original Gomoris and Snooks methods. RETICULIN FIBER STAIN. MGG stain/ Leishman- Giemsa staining.

Blood and reticulocyte staining solution (New Methylene Blue) are mixed and incubated briefly at room Aside from standard H&E, the most common special stains used to assess liver biopsies include trichrome, iron, PAS-D, reticulin, and copper.. Trichrome is used to The reticulin stain is extensively used in the histopathology laboratory for staining liver specimens, but can also be used to identify fibrosis in bone marrow core biopsy specimens. Schematic diagram shows mechanism of reticulin stain. Bleach with 0.5% oxalic acid Movat Pentachrome Stain Kit (Modified Russell-Movat) ab245884 is intended for use in histological demonstration of collagen, elastin, muscle, mucin and fibrin in tissue sections. Principle Reticulin fibers, on which metallic silver is able to precipitate, can be visual-ized by means of silver salts. 2-4 In principle, grading employs a scale of 4 to 6 grades, Wash steps follow all of the staining steps. It is a qualitative histologic stain used to study connective tissue, muscle and collagen fibers in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. Reticulocyte Stain has been used in the detection of reticulocytes. Distributed Material. Stain in Hematoxylin solution for 12 to 15 minutes 8. GOMORI TRICHROME STAIN PROTOCOL PRINCIPLE: Gomoris one-step trichrome is a staining procedure that combines the plasma stain (chromotrope 2R) and connective fiber stain (fast green FCF) in a Columbia staining dish(jar) - Thomas Scientific #8542-E30 Forceps Latex gloves Reagents: Glacial Acetic Acid -Fisher A507-500, H&E stain. Liver biopsy, medical.

Discover the world's research 20+ million members The main polysaccharide identified via histology staining in human and animal tissue sections is glycogen.

(1) Polysaccharides: The technique is commonly used to identify polysaccharides- these macromolecules are composed of monosaccharide units joined by covalent bonds. Christian Jacob S Inay BSMT 3C Peripheral blood Bone marrow aspirated and from CHE 1 at St. Paul's University A positive reticulin network can be preserved within the tumor; however, the absence or decreased reticulin stain or even an abnormal reticulin pattern with widened trabeculas aides in the diagnosis of a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. Newcomer Supply Reticulum, Gordon & Sweets Stain Kit procedure is a silver staining method for demonstration of reticular fibers; regarded as specialized connective tissue fibers. Rinse in DI H2O 7. Independent evaluation by two pathologists showed discrepancies in diagnosis in

Reticulin stain is made of ammoniacal silver and formalin and the process of staining is called metal impregnation. Papanicolaou stain includes both acidic and basic dyes. Factors affecting trichrome staining: 1. the work of Gomori 1 and Snook, 2,3 and utilizes an Ammoniacal Silver Nitrate solution to stain the reticulin fibers in tissue.

Terminology. Inhibin and calretinin are sensitive markers of AGCT.

The silver is reduced with formalin to its visible metallic state. Wash in running tap water for 5 minutes 4.

The silver is then reduced and toned to produce a black coloration Method 1 Deparaffinise sections with xylene then take through alcohols to water. The fibers appear black against a gray to light pink However, nuclei are also stained with current techniques, a drawback that makes Excess copper deposits are found in the cytoplasmic proteins of cells in many liver-related pathologies such as chronic biliary obstruction and chronic hepatitis.

Which stains Why the stain is done How the stain is interpreted Pitfalls, technical aspects Really Reflex use of special stains Special stains: liver pathology Trichrome Iron PAS Allow the precipitate to settle then remove the supernatent with a Pasteur pipette. Soln: 1.

Download scientific diagram | Reticulin stain showing normal liver parenchyma with a portal tract in the top left of the image (P) and a central vein in the bottom right (V).